What is silica good for?

Short answer: Silica has potential benefits for collagen production, inflammation, joint health, cardiovascular health, hair health and nail health.

Silica is a compound that is formed from silicon and oxygen, specifically as silicon dioxide. Silica is a very ubiquitous material in our daily lives, as it is used in the production of textiles, electronic devices, and especially in the manufacture of glass.

However, aside from it's industrial and commercial applications, silica is also very important for our health. You may have intuitively assumed as you were reading this, perhaps from your familiarity with silicon-based products, that silica plays a role in such things as our skin, nails, hair and bones, and you would be entirely correct.

Role in collagen production

Perhaps silica's most fundamental function within the human body is the way in which it promotes the production of collagen, which is the most common protein found in our bodies, and is vital for providing the structure of our skin and bones, as well as our ligaments and a variety of other connective tissues.

Collagen production decreases with age, so it becomes increasingly important to counter this deficiency, either by taking supplemental collagen, or by taking nutrients that promote natural collagen production, such as vitamin C, glycine, or silica itself.

Several studies have revealed how silica supplementation stabilizes and lubricates our joints, in addition to reducing joint inflammation, while other studies have shown how silica improves the rate and quality of recovery in people who have suffered ligament or tendon injuries.

Benefits for hair & nail health

Silica also promotes hair health. While it hasn't yet been proven that silica reverses hair loss, it has been demonstrated to provide vital nutrients to the hair follicles in our scalp, which are essentially our hair's roots, strengthening hair and preventing breakage.

One study performed in 2007 that involved 48 women with naturally fine hair observed a significant strengthening of the individual hair strands by taking 10mg of silicon daily for a period of nine months.

In a similar fashion, silica benefits our nails by delivering orthosilicic acid to the cells responsible for nail production, resulting in healthier, stronger and more flexible nails.

Role in cardiovascular health

And lastly, but by no means of least importance, research shows that silica improves our cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, which is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup in the artery walls.

Silica also has proven to lower cholesterol levels as well as reduce inflammation that is associated with many cardiovascular conditions.

When should I take silica?

Short answer: Silica is best taken shortly before a meal, at any time of day.

Silica is best taken just before meals, approximately 15 minutes before a meal, in order to maximize absorption, although there does not seem to be a specific time of day that seems best suited for silica absorption.

What are natural sources of silica?

If you are interested in achieving your daily silica intake through your diet, rich sources of silica include:

  • Green beans
  • Bananas
  • Brown rice
  • Grains
  • Leafy greens

Silica data sources & further reading

Last updated by Asklepios on 30th January, 2025


While every effort has been made to ensure that the above data is accurate, said accuracy can never be guaranteed. The information provided is not medical advice, it is not intended to cover all possible interactions or adverse effects, and neither is it a substitute for the expertise of professional healthcare practitioners. You are always encouraged to do your own research, and to consult with your trusted doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements.

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