What is omega-6 good for?

Short answer: Omega-6 has potential benefits for energy levels, the immune system and inflammation.

Omega-6 fatty acids belong to the same family of fatty acids as their more popular cousin, omega-3, and as our body cannot produce omega-6 fatty acids by itself, they must be obtained through our diet instead, or alternatively, through supplementation.

Role in the immune system and inflammation

Their main function is to provide energy, but they also seem to play a role in our immune system. Specifically, some of the acids formed in omega-6 produce what are known as eicosanoids, specifically a pro-inflammatory type of eicosanoid, which serve an important function in how our immune system deals with inflammation.

The problem is that when the body produces too many of these pro-inflammatory eicosanoids, they can increase the risk of inflammation and related diseases, and this is one of the main reasons why omega-6 fatty acids have a somewhat negative reputation.

Balance between omega-6 and omega-3

In fact, the topic that seems to come up the most regarding omega-6 fatty acids is not necessarily what the health benefits are, but rather how to ensure a correct ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 intake to avoid any health problems that could arise from an imbalance.

Research suggests that early humans naturally consumed omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids through their diet in a ratio that was somewhere between 1:1 and 4:1 respectively, and that this was the proportion that offered the maximum benefits for our health.

Prevalence of omega-6 in the modern diet

However, in modern times, especially in the west, people end up consuming far more omega-6 fatty acids due to their prevalence in processed foods, resulting in a ratio of 20:1 or even higher, and it is this imbalance and excess omega-6 intake which is thought to potentially cause inflammation, and consequently increase the risk of developing chronic health problems as a result.

Good examples of omega-6 supplements are evening primrose oil or pumpkin seed oil, which are often taken in combination with omega-3 fatty acid supplements, such as fish oil, in order to ensure an optimal balance between omega-3s and omega-6s.

As mentioned above, the average modern diet provides plenty of omega-6 fatty acids, often in excessive amounts, so supplements are usually not necessary, and people with specific health conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, diabetes or mastalgia for example, may want to ask their trusted doctors before taking any omega-6 supplementation.

Alternative perspectives & further research

All that said, there does not appear to be a definitive consensus on whether such an excess in omega-6 fatty acids is as harmful as often portrayed, with some researchers stating that studies on humans are either too limited, or otherwise inconclusive, and that there is a need for more clinical trials.

When should I take omega-6?

Short answer: Omega-6 is best taken with a meal, at any time of day, preferably including fatty foods (fish, meat, eggs, dairy, avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds).

There is no particular time of day that seems to be best suited for taking omega-6, however, just like their omega-3 counterparts, omega-6 supplements are best taken with a meal in order to maximize absorption, ideally with a meal that contains dietary fat.

What does omega-6 combine well with?

Short answer: Omega-6 has been shown to work well together with fish oil, krill oil and omega-3.

Omega-6 with omega-3 supplements

Studies have demonstrated that a combined supplementation of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is more effective than when the supplements are taken individually, so you may consider incorporating fish oil or krill oil into your vitamin schedule for example, if you are taking an omega-6 supplement, in order to get the most out of both.

What should I avoid taking omega-6 with?

Short answer: Avoid taking omega-6 supplements at the same time as evening primrose oil, pumpkin seed oil or blood thinners.

Avoid with other omega-6 supplements

Certain supplements, such as evening primrose oil or pumpkin seed oil, are rich sources of omega-6 fatty acids, which means that they should not be combined, or taken with additional omega-6 supplementation, in order to avoid excessive omega-6 fatty acid intake.

Avoid with blood-thinning medication

People taking blood thinners should avoid taking omega-6 supplementation at the same time, as it can exacerbate the effects of the medication, such as increased bleeding or bruising.

What are natural sources of omega-6?

If you are interested in achieving your daily omega-6 intake through your diet, rich sources of omega-6 include:

  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Avocado oil
  • Pumpkin seed oil
  • Tofu

Omega-6 data sources & further reading

Last updated by Asklepios on 30th January, 2025


While every effort has been made to ensure that the above data is accurate, said accuracy can never be guaranteed. The information provided is not medical advice, it is not intended to cover all possible interactions or adverse effects, and neither is it a substitute for the expertise of professional healthcare practitioners. You are always encouraged to do your own research, and to consult with your trusted doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements.

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