What is curcumin good for?
Curcumin is the primary active ingredient of turmeric, which is itself extracted from the Curcuma longa plant, a member of the ginger family, and native to India and south-east Asia.
It is specifically the roots, or rather the rhizomes of turmeric, that are used to provide the spice that we frequently use in oriental cuisine. The rhizomes of turmeric look very much like those of ginger, and you would be forgiven for mistaking the two, at least until you cut them open to reveal the distinct, deep orange interior of the turmeric rhizomes.
Aside from its applications in cuisine, turmeric has been used for millennia in medicine across many civilizations, including in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, in particular for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
In modern times, many studies have been able to lend weight to this ancient wisdom, confirming that the curcuminoid compounds within turmeric provide substantial benefits both for physical and mental well-being, and can help fight many diseases and health conditions.
Role in cardiovascular health
For example, it has been shown to improve the function of the endothelium, which is the thin lining of your blood vessels. A condition known as endothelial dysfunction occurs blood vessels are unable to properly regulate blood pressure, or effectively carry out blood clotting duties, or a variety of other vascular functions.
Other studies have shown that curcumin can lead to improvements in overall heart health, and lead to a reduction in inflammation and oxidation, key drivers in heart disease.
Role in cancer prevention
From my perspective, it is curcumin's anticancer properties that are its biggest claim to fame in health supplement circles, and for good reason.
Curcumin has been demonstrated to affect several different forms of cancer in a variety of ways, including the promotion of cancer cell death, reduction in tumor growth, reduction in cancer metastasis (in other words, the spread of cancer), and even the prevention of cancer occurring in the first place, with particular emphasis on organs which curcumin comes into direct contact with, namely cancers of the digestive system.
Role in mental health
Curcumin has also shown potential for treating mood disorders, such as its ability to boost the production of serotonin and dopamine, reduce brain inflammation, and encourage brain plasticity. All these indicate that curcumin could function as a natural antidepressant, and its effects on reducing inflammation and oxidative damage in the brain could even help combat Alzheimer's disease.
Role in joint inflammation
Another popular application of curcumin is for people suffering from joint pain, joint inflammation and conditions such as osteoarthritis, which is a degradation of the cartilage in joints that serves to cushion the bones.
In one study, curcumin was shown to be more effective than the placebo at relieving joint pain, performing a function similar to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, but with fewer adverse effects.
When should I take curcumin?
According to research, the exact time of day that you take curcumin doesn't actually have much of an effect on how well your body absorbs it. Despite this, taking curcumin with a meal is considered optimal, especially a meal that is rich in healthy fats, as curcumin is actually fat-soluble.
What does curcumin combine well with?
Curcumin with bromelain, for inflammation and infections
It has been found that bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, substantially increases the bioavailability of curcumin when both are taken together.
Furthermore, one recent study actually found that there is a potential synergistic effect when bromelain is paired with curcumin for treating respiratory infections such as COVID-19, and another study found that the same combination was effective in reducing inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis, as well as slowing the progression of the disease.
Curcumin with boswellia extract, for inflammation
Another study that involved patients suffering from osteoarthritis tested a combination of curcumin and boswellic acid (the active compound found in boswellia extract) for 12 weeks, and also found that there was also a synergistic effect in the reduction of pain-related symptoms when combining these two supplements.
Curcumin with chondroitin, for osteoarthritis
One animal study involving rats with osteoarthritis of the knee showed that combining curcumin with chondroitin, one of the building blocks of joint cartilage, showed better results at repairing damaged tissue than the control group, which used chondroitin alone.
Curcumin with quercetin and resveratrol, for cancer prevention
A combination of curcumin, quercetin and resveratrol was tested to determine the potential combined antitumor properties of all three, and several in vitro studies showed that this potent combination had significant antitumor effects, and contributed towards cancer cell death.
Curcumin with piperine, for maximum absorption
As mentioned above, the main drawback of taking curcumin by itself is that it has low bioavailability, meaning that it is poorly absorbed during digestion, so a few formulations have been created to resolve this problem.
For example, combining curcumin with piperine is known to drastically increase your body's ability to absorb the beneficial curcuminoid compounds, reaching a 2,000% increase in the case of curcumin itself.
Curcumin with ginger root, for inflammation
Ginger, which belongs to the same family as turmeric, shares many of the same anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and it has been suggested that combining both can enhance their effects in a synergistic manner.
One animal study was actually able to demonstrate that curcumin and ginger have an additive effect when it comes to combatting inflammation, for example.
Curcumin with black pepper, for increased absorption
In the absence of piperine supplements, you can always simply incorporate black pepper into whichever meal you are taking your curcumin supplement with. Black pepper's piperine content is only around 10%, compared to over 95% for some piperine supplement formulations, but it is certainly better than nothing.
Curcumin with ginger, for inflammation
As mentioned above, it has been found that curcumin and ginger have an additive effect. In the absence of ginger root supplement, you can always choose to simply incorporate fresh or ground ginger into whichever meal you are taking your curcumin supplement with.
What should I avoid taking curcumin with?
Avoid with blood-thinning medication
People who are on blood-thinning medication or taking other blood-thinning drugs like aspirin, are advised to avoid taking curcumin supplements altogether, as the they could excessively enhance the drugs anticoagulant effects.
What are natural sources of curcumin?
If you are interested in achieving your daily curcumin intake through your diet, rich sources of curcumin include:
- Turmeric
Essentially, curcumin is only really found in turmeric, or at least the rhizomes of turmeric are the only source where curcumin can be found in any significant amount. Other members of the ginger family also contain curcuminoids, such as mango ginger, but in much smaller amounts by comparison.
Curcumin data sources & further reading
- https://www.singlecare.com/blog/best-time-to-take-turmeric/
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-turmeric
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/turmeric-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turmeric-and-black-pepper
- https://www.arthritis-health.com/treatment/diet-and-nutrition/do-curcumin-supplements-have-drawbacks
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33205039/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5761198/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9161211/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-39279-z
Last updated by Asklepios on 30th January, 2025