What is astragalus good for?

Short answer: Astragalus has potential benefits for antioxidants, the immune system, inflammation, cardiovascular health and chemotherapy.

Astragalus is a genus of flowering herb, commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. The Astragalus genus actually includes over 3,000 described species of plants, making it the largest known genus of plants on earth.

Astragalus for the immune system and inflammation

In recent years, astragalus has seen a growth in popularity in the west for its potent health benefits, including its ability to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve overall cardiovascular health, as well showing potential in the treatment of chronic diseases.

Specifically, astragalus seems to increase telomerase activity, which is what prolongs the lifespan of cells, and this is thought to explain its role in antioxidant activity, improving immune response and reducing inflammation.

Furthermore, it has been found that people who suffer from type 2 diabetes could use astragalus to help manage blood sugar levels.

Astragalus for chemotherapy

Interestingly, some studies have found that astragalus may help alleviate several of the negative side effects of chemotherapy. For example, a clinical study in patients that were actively undergoing chemotherapy found that astragalus, given intravenously, reduced nausea by 36%, vomiting by 50% and diarrhea by 59%, which is significant, to say the least.

When should I take astragalus?

Short answer: Astragalus is best taken on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours since the last meal and at least 30 minutes before the next meal.

Astragalus is best taken with plenty of water, and should be taken between meals in order to avoid absorption being affected by other nutrients.

What does astragalus combine well with?

Short answer: Astragalus has been shown to work well together with ginseng extract.

With ginseng, for energy and cholesterol levels

Ginseng is another quintessential pillar of traditional Chinese medicine, and appears to combine well with astragalus, providing additional health benefits, such as lower cholesterol levels and enhanced energy levels.

What should I avoid taking astragalus with?

Short answer: Avoid taking astragalus supplements at the same time as selenium.

Avoid taking astragalus with selenium

It has been found that some astragalus species may contain high levels of selenium, due to the plant's natural inclination to absorb it from the soil.

Due to this, you should be cautious when combining astragalus with any supplements that contain selenium, in order to avoid any potential toxicity.

Astragalus data sources & further reading

Last updated by Asklepios on 30th January, 2025


While every effort has been made to ensure that the above data is accurate, said accuracy can never be guaranteed. The information provided is not medical advice, it is not intended to cover all possible interactions or adverse effects, and neither is it a substitute for the expertise of professional healthcare practitioners. You are always encouraged to do your own research, and to consult with your trusted doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements.

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